Children's Program Outline, 2021

— May 16, 2021

Preliminary Proposal

We propose using the theme of water and rivers, and basing the program on Earthcare for Children: a First Day School Curriculum, which we have used for our children’s program at PMM, and supplementing it with YouTube videos, online games, pictures and songs.

The program would address water and how essential it is for all creation; how to keep water available to meet the needs of people, animals and plants; water use, waste, water conservation, water ceremonies.

We also suggest having a short separate section on animals – pets children may be taking care of, experiences with wild animals or birds. We will use a mix of questions, finish a story, online games, YouTube videos, including the song “I’ve Got Peace Like a River” which the children can sing along to.

Once we know the ages of the children involved and how many we can outline the program In more detail. All activities we are considering can easily be adapted both for young children and teens.

We have someone with technical expertise who will be able to set up screen sharing and/or break-out rooms.

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